Saturday, March 12, 2005

"The Lady Cat"

Before this goes out of my memory forever, I thought I'd immortalize it in a short few words. I saw the premiere episode of America's Next Top Model (season IV) -- The show belonged to a character named "The Lady Cat". The sister believed she was a cat, or half cat, or a re-incarnate, or something of the sort (Complete with Licking, Purring, and some instances of hissing and fang touting).

Usually, a lot of those reality contestants put on some dumbass front for show, they try to get as much airtime as possible, so ... they pull stupid shit like that. HOWEVER, I will be the first to defend 'The Lady Cat', girls and boys, I honestly think this was the REAL DEAL, the King Snake, the Bomb Baboon. This girl wasn't faking shit.

As the show progressed, and 'The Lady Cat' made it onto the next part of the competition (she also got stranger and stranger by the minute), I guess the pressure started getting to her. In a room full of aspiring models, 'The Lady Cat' decided she was going to stand up and cuss their ass out. I don’t even think she had a target, she just sorta got up, and started letting them have it (???!?!!!!?!) -- Yeah, the purring wasn't enough, and the weird cat-like gestures didn't alarm anyone, we just needed to see that extra bit of craziness in the form of the ever-so-eloquent CUSS OUT.I love it.

I have a whole new fondness for the term TLC. (The Lady Cat - for those who've had a long day).



Blogger aNON said...

I neglected to mention that Lady Cat, made it to the final 20, but was eliminated before the top 14 finalists got to move into their crib.

12:13 PM  

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