Monday, March 14, 2005

The Right Amount of Tired

Sunday night was the best sleep I’ve had in as long as I can remember/ at least one year. Waking up on Monday, for the first time, I felt ‘satisfied’ by the amount and quality of sleep I got. Also, this was the first night I’ve slept without interruption (waking up for a drink or a bathroom visit). So what does that mean? Is this something I can recreate?

It all hit me real quick though when I woke up. I was sort of in shock, I usually wake up in the morning, and the first thing I think is how crappy my sleep was, how many times I woke up (I usually keep track) and of course an ‘estimated’ number of hours of sleep.

This however, was very different. You know when something happens, and you don’t know what just happened. The strange part is I usually remember my dreams but this was a quasi-complete-blackout, I woke up and the last thing I remember was the night before (which was nothing out of the ordinary, just some TV, relaxing, reading). I also know for SURE that I did not drink anything in the middle of the night (there was a full glass of luke-warm water still sitting beside me in the morning).

Is this a good thing? Shit Yeah, I think so. I am slightly perturbed that I don’t remember my dreams from last night, but who cares? They probably sucked anyway.

One time, I dreamt that I was at a job interview with a group of about 8 people, and the company stood everyone up, we all waited ‘til the end of the day (6pm) but no interviews had begun, and then the crowd got rough. There was a riot in the building, people breaking things, stealing things, and then some big boss decided that serving fried chicken would quell the enraged interviewees. So… we had fried chicken. Shit, I was calm, they found my currency.

There was one particular character, who I guess was some sort of feminist/ anti-corporate chic, her “STATEMENT” to the company and the world, was to eat her fried chicken and wipe here greasy hands all over her suit jacket. lol. Very Powerful.

Then there was the really ‘Serious and Dedicated’ candidate, who refused to leave the waiting room, and wouldn’t eat, and no matter what, would not compromise his 'professionalism'. This guy decided he was going to wait for his turn to interview even if it took all night. I guess he really wanted that job. Well, this guy must have conjured up notions of the class favorite/ the brown nosin’ fool. He quickly became unpopular with all 8 of us. The feminist Lady even wiped her grease laden hands on his suit jacket as payback for his totally inappropriate/ uncool behavior (and another ‘STATEMENT’, ‘WARNING’ to the corporate male... she topped it off with a decent quote: "You Suck dude")

The ‘Conspiracy Theorist’ was a super-paranoid guy. He kept going on about the Chicken being ‘laced’ with some breakthrough corporate chemical that is designed to weed-out those who need to be weeded out. (But he still ate the chicken anyways????) – This can only mean he TRULY deserved to be weeded out (and didn't know it) … or … I guess he was real confident in his ability to dodge any weed-out attempts. He must have been an engineer (they get plenty of practice in their freshman college classes).

One Chic wouldn’t get off her damn cell phone. (From her phone conversations) we discovered she lived in Baltimore, Married, 2 kids, She “Really wants this job” – and apparently has a bad ass temper. She kept saying to her “honey” how she’s “Not going to lose it”. Naturally, this put everyone on edge, and we kept waiting for the TERMINATOR 3 girl to be unleashed. Out of boredom, we held a competition amongst ourselves revolving around who could provoke her the most, and get her to flip out. The brown-noser won (unintentionally). I think he said some typical snooty remark like: “Well, maybe you should go home if you have better things to do.” BAM! … BOOYA!.... Modasucka.

In conclusion, maybe this is a good week, I’ll see if I can recreate/ retrace my Sunday. I suppose I might need to recreate the whole weekend? The week? Month? Year? How far back does this go? It would really suck if I had ONE night of such sleep, every 22 years or something of the sort.

44th year of my life … I can’t wait.


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