Friday, June 24, 2005

Driving Under the InFluence

Yesterday was an extremely intense day to say the least. The day started off on an interesting note, more like a showdown. Without going into too much detail, I just want to say that it wasn’t really that big of a deal (this thought is now permanently etched in my head … whether it’s true or not). It did however signify a landmark: The first time I heard my boss (now nicknamed “Feisty Little Scotsman”) drop the F-bomb. A big thanks goes to FLS for clearing things up and sticking up for us with F-bombs.

I won’t really go into the details, I was thinking about doing so but realized I have another 8 hours coming up to quell any work-related discussion craving I may have.

But yesterday sucked for various other reasons

To make this dramatic day even less bearable, I start sneezing and suffering from a (very) runny nose. I don’t know, it may have been allergies, a cold or it may have been a straight up flu. Judging by how I feel today, it’s most probably a flu and it looks like I’m out of commission for the weekend. Either way it drained me and I just wanted to go back home (this aspiration came at about 10:00 a.m. yesterday morning).

That of course wasn’t an option because yesterday’s workload was absolutely critical, and had to be done. It didn’t take me long to figure out that all the Claritin in the world isn’t going to do shit for me, so I marched through the agonizing day with my snot-rag in hand (you know, like a true SOLDIER).

It was such a frustrating day that C.R. and I decided we should go to the driving range and take it out on some poor golf balls. The idea sounded good and despite my sickness, it was either the golf balls … or something in my apartment … SOMEONE or SOMETHING was going the fuck down. Runny nose, snot dripping, sneezing up my lunch, I didn’t care anymore.
I’ve never been golfing in a serious way (on a real course). I hear those people can get a little mean when they see that you suck and are slowing them down. My first impression of golf is that I wouldn’t like it. The ball is proportionally too small for the clubs, which would probably frustrate me. Nonetheless, I agreed to give it a shot.

The “DRIVING” part seemed easy enough. I’m sure there’s a lot of technical skill involved including stance, swing motion, ball contact, follow through, etc … but my main understanding was that distance was key, hit that motherfucker as hard as you can (which was essentially our goal). I was really looking forward to this new experience.

I head home after work to some serious construction on my street. It looked like a war zone, no parking on either side of the street. I didn’t think much of it, parked on the side street, and went inside my apartment. Well, I used the bathroom and after I flushed it, I realized that I had just flushed the last bit of water in the apartment. The construction outside was apparently going on to fix this problem. NO WATER, NONE.

Fine, I’ll shower at Chris’s place (Chris is “C.R.” … I just got sick of typing C.R. every time). So I head over there to shower, get ready and it’s off to the driving range. Since not a lot has gone my way so far, I wasn’t surprised that we got there too late and weren’t able to go on the driving range. We had to settle for a putting green instead. I should mention that the hole is a lot bigger than I thought it was but I still sucked at it.

However, given the fact that I was not at 100% health, I hereby give golf another chance. I decided that I would not hold yesterday’s bad-to-worse experiences against the game and hate it forever (which I normally would). I’ll definitely try it out again some time in the near future.

There was no driving under the influence, more like putting under the influence. I got home in the evening and lived through the miserable time one lives through with a flu (or it could be just a cold … but that wouldn’t fit in this post’s title, which makes it a medical long shot). I tried shots of Robitussin, popping’ Sudafed, sucking Cepacol (for the cough) and I’m still not better.

The construction stopped at about midnight – but I know better than to fuss and complain about that because I’m so happy the water is back and running again. And remember, everyone loves a happy ending.

Happy Friday.

Note: Is it pointless to eat when you can taste anything? Perhaps I should eat something I don't particularly like or enjoy the taste of.


Blogger PaintingChef said...

I'd say you've pretty much got golf pegged. I've tried it and I always just end up throwing the clubs at someone so I tend to shy away from it now.

Feel better!!

9:04 AM  
Blogger Mybrid said...

Painting Chef:

So you've seen
Robin Williams on Golf?

9:24 AM  
Blogger The Zombieslayer said...

NyQuil has never let me down. One good night of solid sleep and I'm close to 100% the next day. Just be sure to take the full dose.

As for golfing, done it once, didn't like it. People are too impatient with beginners. I'll stick to mini-golf.

7:49 PM  
Blogger aNON said...

What day is it today?

P chef: Thanks for the well wishes. Have you really thrown a golf club at someone? Seems like such an awkward object to toss. Can you give me some pointers?

Mybrid: The Robin Williams on golf thing was very funny. My preconceived sentiments exactly.

I'll have to play it for "Feisty Little Scottsman".

ZombieSlayer: I have tried everything - feeling a little better and let's hope it's sorted out for good by tomorrow morning.

As for impatient golfers, my suggestion to you would be to stay tuned for P chef's instructions on how to throw golf clubs at people.

11:13 AM  
Blogger The Zombieslayer said...

Cultureshocked - I think I'll just do that the next time someone gives me dirty looks for taking too long.

5:01 PM  

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