Friday, June 17, 2005


To preface this countdown conclusion, I should mention that I am indeed extremely hard to keep attentive. I bore easily, very easily. I get excited about ‘new’ things, and can sometimes lose my passion instantly. For example, those “The Facebook” and “Hi5” friends network things I was raving about a couple of weeks, are already history.

I woke up on Wednesday June 8th and went about my daily morning routine (the one where I usually commit eight deadly sins in 15 minutes). I was so disinterested in writing that I decided to call it quits on Culture Shock that very morning. This is where the countdown comes in. Firstly, it was extremely hard to write my “last post” that very same day I was overwhelmed with so much disinterest. I decided to instead “count down” to my last post on this blog for several reasons:

1) There were things that I still felt a need to express, for all time’s sake.
2) I didn’t know how to ‘end’ it in one single post. What do I write? Peace Out?
3) I like countdowns and I find them very exciting.

There maybe a couple more, but remember, it’s “good” to say things in threes.

I am not a writer, I have arguable writing skills, but I enjoy it. Writing everyday wasn’t easy and sometimes I was just at a total loss for words (more times than I might appear). There have been days where I woke up looking forward to writing and others where I woke up and Culture Shock seemed like the most strenuous of chores.

It’s hard to explain the reasons for my sudden disinterest. It just felt like the right decision to make, and it was all too much to ignore. I realize that I sit here writing about my decision to let this whole blog thing go. It’s not my ideal situation either. I thought hard about this and even to myself, felt an overwhelming need for reason. WHY?

That was a tough question to answer. My obvious answer was that “I can’t blog forever, and it has GOT to end at some point.” I personally felt that the aforementioned was something logical, and realistic even though I wanted more “answers”. Well to be totally honest, I don’t really have a ‘set’ and satisfactory answer.

(At lest to myself) A few reasons for the decision made sense. One of those reasons is that I have a lot of plans for this summer, and feel the need to re-prioritize and get into something ‘new’ (yet again). For example, the start something competition I mentioned a while back, is something I plan to dedicate myself to this summer. Maybe it’s because when I mentioned it, I did say that the future of this blog was in jeopardy.

The actual countdown and subsequent post-writing was very spontaneous (and also thrilling). I had no idea, day to day what I would write about … oh let’s say with regards to ‘4’, ‘7’, etc. Although, I did do some homework (mainly to get that damn stadium name for “Sick’s”) … but I am so happy I did because that day, BASEBALL needed what it had it coming -- at least from me.

The good news is that I’m also one of the most ‘random’ people out there. I change my mind just as easily as I bore. No voices in my head or anything of the sort, it’s just something that ‘happens’ and I act accordingly.

The ‘big reveal’ has been trumped. This (previously pre-determined last post on Culture Shock) has also been trumped. I guess this shit is coming back at you as soon as Monday morning, so let’s hope something fucked up (not too bad though) happens to me over the weekend. Oh lets say something along the lines of me getting attacked by a dog (a small one), or cursed at by some old ladies eating ice cream.

Since I’ve cried ‘WOLF’ with this countdown, I guess that also means that should I indeed decide to throw in the towel and get the chutzpah to follow through, I have to think of a different ending that is original. (Because you know, countdowns are so original!)

So What I’ve basically told you: I made a decision to quit, did the quitting over a period of time, and then changed my mind before the quitting was done/ finalized. I guess that makes me somewhat of a PRIME candidate/ High-Risk case for a no-show at my own wedding alter. Any ladies want my hand in marriage?

Coincidentally, though … this countdown will not go in vain. Saturday 06/18 (tomorrow) is the engagement party of “2nd oldest bro” – I am extremely happy for the couple and wish them the best and most blissful life together. I dedicate posts “Ate” through “One” to H.O.N and his bride-to-be Lady M.

The ‘big reveal’ turned from a sad (at least for me) impulse to quit, to a happy ending, and everyone.loves.a.happy.ending.

Happy Friday.

Note: And also, for us people who want to change the world, ONE, is for “THE ONE CAMPAIGN”– Do you have your bracelet?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you're running out of ideas what to write, you can always solicit your "crowd."

I'm glad you changed your mind about quitting.

Mabruk to H.O.N !!!

9:56 PM  
Blogger aNON said...

I'm just like the streets of Washington D.C. -- Solicitations always welcome.

What do you have in mind?

11:44 PM  
Blogger The Zombieslayer said...

Cultureshocked - give yourself some credit. You actually can write. Your writing is cohesive and easy to follow. People who try to impress with deep thoughts and big words just come across as pretentious mental masturbators to me. You don't do that at all.

Congrads to the couple. Marriage is one of the greatest things on Earth and one of my future topics.

You will never run out of ideas. You like music. You like pop culture. You like movies. You like good-looking women. There you go, an endless stream of subjects.

3:05 AM  
Blogger United We Lay said...

I have a link to the One Campaign on my site.

10:33 AM  
Blogger aNON said...

I got over the "Deep Thought" and "Big Word" stage a little while ago (I think) -- Now I just try to cuss up a storm and make fun of soccer moms. It's much more easy on the frailty that is one's mind.

Can't speak first hand on marriage but in general I think it's cool, every married couple I know (with the exception of ONE) have been going strong. "Divorce" is just something I (used to) see on TV and stuff). Which surprises me considering the US divorce rate of 50% plus.

As for the part about the "ideas" -your list is quite comprehensive. Can I shorten that down to 'BEYONCE'?

9:47 PM  
Blogger aNON said...

That's cool - I just learned about 'ONE' through a friend a couple of weeks ago and also saw the link on your site. I Will probably be going to see Live 8 when they come to Philly.

It's a neat idea and we can only hope that maybe one day, it will work.

9:51 PM  
Blogger The Zombieslayer said...

Cultureshocked - Well, the reason you have so many buddies who are happily married yet the divorce rate is so high is because the divorce rate is misleading. You'll have a few couples that will die together after 50 years, then there are people who will divorce five times in their lives, throwing off the statistics and making it look worse than it is.

3:27 AM  
Blogger aNON said...

Oh good point. That makes sense.

For every Jennifer Lopez, there are 5 happily married couples and the divorce rate would still be 50%.

7:46 AM  

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