Wednesday, June 22, 2005

A Sight for Sane Eyes

So I’m very happy to be sitting and writing this morning. I’m safe, sound and most important of all completely sane. I know this because I am eyeing some cereal for breakfast … and I don’t usually have time for that, and nothing says "ALL IS WELL UP THERE" more than hunger.

Yesterday evening was one of those eerie ones where I got inside my own head and contrary to popular belief, there were no puppies running around in a field of roses. I managed to psych myself out. “Psyching Out” is something I’m usually very good at doing to OTHERS, unfortunately I’m better at doing it to myself.

After a long day at work, I headed over to C.R.’s parents’ place for some good food on the grill. It was a very normal and ordinary evening and all was dandy so far. Towards the end of the evening, I started thinking about weird and supernatural shit like possession, ghosts, spirits, etc. It was a random onslaught of paranoid ‘scenarios’ of that sort.

Let me say I’m a huge horror movie fan. Probably one of my favorite genres, heck “The Exorcist” is on my “favorite movies” list. They do affect me though. I completely, wholeheartedly (and very honestly) believe in that stuff. All of it, and that means every single goon, goblin, spirit, demon, and most of all, "The Big D" himself (which is why the Exorcist is one of my favorite movies ... one of the only horror movies that deal with "The Big D" himself not just any commoner type of demon). Ironically, I will watch a horror movie and come out 100% convinced that the events could indeed occur in our ‘real’ lives (especially to me). For some odd reason, I love that and when I get home, I think about it.

Needless to say I will go completely psycho if some shit pops up on me. Is that not the kind of stuff that will make one lose it? Although I think a heart attack is a more viable explanation for those of you who’s medical reasoning trumps the supernatural. Heart attack, brain lapse, or whatever else you want to call it – It wouldn’t be fun.

Oh lets say you’re chilling at home, ready to go to bed and there’s an odd yet persistent sound of footsteps that cause your (carpeted, mind you) wooden floors to creek and crackle. You look around, and there’s nobody (visible). I know there’s ‘somebody’ – I can hear you for fuck’s sake. I guess I feel some sort of relief every time I don’t see ‘them’. However, I live my life knowing that ONE DAY, I will indeed ‘see’ something. Everybody knows that ‘seeing is believing.’ But since I already “believe” then I think in my case “seeing” would translate me into the LOONEY house.

To make matters worse, on my drive home from the grilling last night, I casually look up at the sky and there it was … a full moon staring right back at me. It was real In-Your-Face too … you couldn’t have missed it (I can’t even remember when the last time I saw the moon was). What does that mean? WHY? Out of every single night … that very specific night when I’m running that stuff through my mind do I see a full moon?

I certainly don’t buy into the ‘stupid’ kind of scary stuff such as the commonly associated with full moons werewolves. I don’t believe in vampires and I also don’t think ‘slasher’ movies are scary, and I certainly don’t think a rabid wolf-man creature would be able to do much damage.

It’s the silhouettes I worry about. The shadows, the See-Through, torn and tattered clothes type motherfuckers. They always have their head down with their (usually wet) hair covering their face. They walk slower than a 2 year old. Their damage is done visually; they don’t even need to touch you to inflict it … you, just ... need ... to ... BE ... THERE … to see it.

Note: I used to enjoy shows where they go into haunted places and communicate with spirits or ghosts. I would actually love to do that someday ... but under ONE condition. I have to get promised (by the spirit or anyone else for that matter) that they will not get attached to me and follow me home to cause some unnecessary shit.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can't stand horror movies! I get nightmares from them. I used to hate the silent house noises, which is why my music was always turned on high when I was alone.

Then I got a dog. Now every noise in the house is easily explained by "The Dog" - regardless of which room he's in.

7:55 AM  
Blogger aNON said...

You do know that animals are extra sensitive to that stuff. A dog would make me even more paranoid. Sure, I can go ahead and blame the noise on the dog ... but what happens when dogs bark "For No Reason" ? Why are they barking? More important is WHO or WHAT are they barking at?

8:15 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My labrador, aka big brown fuzzy chicken, is deathly afraid of his own shaddow, but he won't bark unless his daddy has just parked the Jeep.

So there's always reason for his bark.

I'd rather be scared of a ghost WITH my dog, than without my dog. At least I'll have someone to hug and protect while I'm being scared stiff.

8:36 AM  
Blogger PaintingChef said...

I just flat out WILL NOT WATCH horror movies. My imagination is FAR too active to deal with that shit.

I kind of very randomly came across your blog and I absolutely LOVE it!

8:41 AM  
Blogger aNON said...


Well what if 'something' posesses the dog ... while you're hugging it and it turns psycho on you. Red eyes, teeth out and all.

Who You gonna Call?

6:48 PM  
Blogger aNON said...

P Chef,

I am the same way but it's the reason I like horror movies. Most other movies just sort of get lost in your memory. A horror will not. It's gonna stay, scare and scar you for quite some time (provided it's a good horror movie).

Very glad you randomly came across "The Spot" -- More glad you actually enjoy it. Thanks for stopping by. Come back for seconds.

6:51 PM  

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