Tuesday, August 02, 2005

The Garden State

(That movie sucked).

I hate talking about other drivers, but I do it so often and it’s always worth a mention when the dumbass squad does something worth mentioning. Perhaps I’ll try to make this my last post on the people who perform “The Most Dangerous Act anyone does on a regular basis.”

New Jersey drivers suck. I understand there’s some quote or saying about New Jersey drivers, I’m not familiar with it but I agree with it whatever the hell it is. I have never seen such a maniacal bunch of loons on the highway.

There seems to be this unspoken obsession with “where” certain people are from when driving on the highway. We’ve all seen it; someone will do something on the highway and everyone automatically wants to find out where they’re from. They swerve, merge, and change lanes just to catch a glimpse of the license plate. I assume some people do this because they are wondering what State was stupid enough to give said person a driver’s license, others just want a state less inferior than their own.

EVERY single time I’ve seen someone doing something STUPID on the highway, I check out the tag … and sure enough, New Jersey’s shitty yellow gradient tags.

First of all, they drive at insane speeds. I’m not even kidding you when I say that I’ve seen some Jersey folk who had to be pushing 100 (mph). That’s funny; I don’t understand what the rush is? It’s not like you got a hot state to go back home to … it’s New Jersey for fuck’s sake. I would personally want to prolong my ‘arrival’ at said state for as long as possible.

I saw a survey once that studied drivers’ IQs in a quest by my local news station to bombard me with further useless information (it makes for good blog material though). The most illiterate/ lowest IQ scoring drivers were revealed and can we all guess who our big fat #1 was? Yes, Florida … just kidding, it really was New Jersey.

Although we love Canada, and will not hereby shit-talk on them, New Jersey is to New York as Canada is to the United States. The Bastard Child if you will … New Jersey folk will go above and beyond to attract attention (usually for silly things) and establish their ‘separation’ and incomparable independence from New York (yeah, I said it).

I mentioned a ‘yo mama’ reference in a recent post, we’ve all heard them before “Yo Mama’s so fat, she jumped on a rainbow and made skittlesorYo Mama’s so stupid; it took her 2 hours to watch ’60 minutes’andYo Mama's so ugly, when she passes by a bathroom the toilet flushes” etc.

Well, I think we should take it one step further and let our Jersey drivers in on the fun. “New Jersey drivers are so stupid; they weave back and forth between (double solid lines) lanes INSIDE Ft. Mc Henry tunnel.orNew Jersey drivers are so fat; their feet get stuck and push the gas pedal all the way causing them to exceed speed of 100 mph.and “New Jersey drivers are so ugly; they can’t look in their (rear view) mirrors.” And so on…

Here are a few “You might be a New Jersey driver if…”

- Under no circumstances should you leave a safe distance between you and the car in front of you, or the space will be filled in by somebody else putting you in an even more dangerous situation.

- Turn signals will give away your next move. A real New Jersey driver never uses them.

- The faster you drive through a red light, the smaller the chance you have of getting hit.

- Never, ever come to a complete stop at a stop sign. No one expects it and it will inevitably result in you being rear-ended. If you want your insurance company to pay for a new rear bumper, come to a complete stop at all stop signs.

- Real New Jersey women drivers can put on pantyhose and apply eye makeup at seventy-five miles per hour in bumper-to-bumper traffic.

- Real New Jersey men drivers can remove their girlfriend's panties and bra at seventy-five miles per hour or in bumper-to-bumper traffic.

And many more can be found here.

Much love for my Jersey crew (and Lauryn Hill) … you know I’m excluding you from the rest of your state's cohabitants throughout my tactless and gross generalization.

Note: Eventually I will compile a list of stereotypes for drivers from all the 50 states. Although, I've yet to see license plates from Hawaii, Alaska (do they even count???) and ... Arkansas. Y'all have cars out there? Today: Steel


Blogger Mybrid said...

TFL, why thank you for the beautiful plug-in!
I never really intended on uploading any photos into my blog, but somehow I guess I can't live without a visual. And of course I couldn't pass up the opportunity to counter-post CS's rant about avid photographers. I feel an obligation to defend our good name.

But not to worry - normal service will resume soon and I will get back to regular writing (whatever that may be...).

12:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let's see. You are from the Northeast and have so far blasted drivers in New Jersey, Maryland, and DC. I take it you live in the state of perfect driving...Pennsylvania.

And yes, we do have cars in Arkansas. Perfectly nice cars as a matter of fact. We are just too smart to _ever_ drive them all the way over to the northeast. That's why God created airplanes.

3:51 PM  
Blogger aNON said...

Yo TFL, the movie sucked yeah. I can't believe they bamboozled Natalie Portman into such crap. Then again, Lucas did it three times.

Mybrid, Off the top of your head, how many pictures do you have? Give us a wild guestimate.

Southerngirl, You really are bad at the 'guessing game' :) -- Pennsylvanians drive nice, but no I don't currently live there. There's about 10 more states that could pass as 'Northeast, USA.'

As for the Arkansas cars, what are the chances of you coming out east and driving up and down I-95 until I spot ya?

8:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Until I know exactly what northeast state we are talking about--zero percent chance. I'm picky about which states I will hang out in. For instance-- Texas. No way in hell.

BTW, you never gave us your thoughts on Garang's death and how it will affect Sudan.

8:23 PM  
Blogger The Zombieslayer said...

Lauryn Hill is hot. She can sing too. Did I mention she's hot?

Oh, you're talking about New Jersey drivers. Well, yeah, I agree. They suck.

But you know what really pisses me off about New Jersey? Their accents. No matter how physically good-looking a chick is from New Jersey, her accent kills any trace of sexiness. I hate that accent. I loathe that accent. I despise that accent.

That accent reminds me of how New Jersey smells. I haven't been there in almost twenty years, and when I see someone on TV saying some Joiysee crap, I instantly smell New Jersey.

Luckily, Lauryn Hill doesn't suffer from New Jersey accentitis. Her speaking voice is all right.

9:18 PM  
Blogger aNON said...


You're ON. What Northeast States are on your shit-list?

As for my thoughts on Garang, I might write a post on it in the near future. In general, I think it's a disaster.

9:39 PM  
Blogger aNON said...

Zombieslayer, Yeah, thank god Lauryn Hill dropped that accent huh.

9:45 PM  
Blogger Mybrid said...

CS, This is a VERY wild guestimate, but I think it's in the 10,000. On my computer they take 9 GB, and there's about half as much from 35mm films.

They're divided between eleven folders on my computer, and then there's a division within each folder.

5:07 AM  
Blogger The Hard-working Slacker said...

Drivers CS, have you forgotten about the crazies that would come out at school time outside DC in the mistaken notion that they'd actually get a bit of action courtesy of some dumb white school broad?

Or infact the whole of Doha town especially during Ramadan when they're all running on empty (cos' they're supposedly 'fasting'and naturally get a little grumpy to make the made dash home!).

Granted I'm sure most Jersey citizens drive like that but still man give a little credit to the 'habarbash'...I'll let you explain that one to your audience LOL!

About Sudan:

John Gerang looked very promising to me, I was thinking that it was a conspiracy but then he WAS flying on a Ugandan chopper after all, and they're not (apparently) enemies of the Sudanese.

But as things stand, Khartoum wouldn't be high on my list for a quick 'action-packed' vacation right now. I truly hope that country manages to stay united despite the Christian South wanting to seperate.

About Darfour:

What pisses me off about how much negative press Darfour is getting from the likes of the US and UK (surprise surprise) is that the 'Accusers' are doing the very dispicable acts of the 'Accused' albeit in a different country (Iraq).

But because its got a different set of problems we're willing to gloss over it all!

Oh man I'm seething again.

8:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Northeast states on my shitlist:

New Hampshire -- too right-wing
Connecticut -- too many rich snobs
New York --too crowded
Maine -- too cold, too many blackflies
New Jersey --nuff said
Delaware -- Dela-Where?

I did like Vermont when I visited there (great cheese!) and Massachusetts is cool because its the only liberal state in the whole country.

12:22 PM  
Blogger BeckEye said...

Pennsylvanians do NOT drive nice. Take it from a gal who lives there.

As for the need to find out where the person is from who did the stupid highway manoeuver...it is imperative. Otherwise how can you complete the sentence, "Go back to ____, you *&$%&*&@!" If they're from your state, then you have to change that to "Why don't you move to New York/New Jersey, you $*%&*#&@!"

3:09 PM  
Blogger aNON said...


Yeah, DC had some crazy drivers. Apparantly teenage girls were really turned on by the sweet, sweet dust that covers them when some Jackass pulls a wheelie in front of them.


You're gonna have to make an exception on that shit-list ;)


You do that to? I'm obsessed with seeing where people are from. I like your reasons, However, I personally think (and it may be subconscious) that I simply REFUSE to let anyone from Florida, Maryland, DC, West Virginia, CONNECTICUT or Rhode Island drive ahead of me.

9:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

{You're gonna have to make an exception on that shit-list}

OK, give me a good recommenation for your state.

11:47 PM  
Blogger aNON said...

I'm just saying, New York is cool, Delaware is aight, MAINE is OK. Vermont and MA (too long to spell) have good maple syrup and seafood salad, respectively.

6:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

MAINE in all caps either means 1) a hint or 2) you are jerking my chain.

7:55 PM  

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