Thursday, March 24, 2005

Sparks Will Fly ...

Nah, this ain’t no bullshit-ass mushy love post … well … maybe, I’ll incorporate a few coded pick up lines … and maybe, just maybe, if you study it hard enough will find my hidden personal ad in this mess of words.

Late afternoon, the work day is winding down … it’s relatively quiet all around … and then all of a sudden, My computer screen starts goin’ Cadiwompus (thanks B.M.) … Blinking and shit. There’s a loud BANG! And a weird feeling of some sort of surge running through me. The next thing I hear is our beloved secretary R.S. Screaming out the top of her panic-filled lungs: “Michael, Oh My God … Michael, there’s Sparks in the Parking Lot.”

The first thing that goes through my head is: Sparks in the parking lot?!?! What the fuck is going on here. I just got dealt some nasty vibes by some jacked up, charged up electricity … and the last thing I wanna hear is “There’s Sparks in the parking lot”. .. But I sucked it up … and ran over to the window to see the sparks … Sure enough, there was a spectacular showing of yellows, reds and oranges raining down and the cold harsh asphalt… Only it was in spurts … it would Spark Spark Spark … slow down, make you think the drama is dead … and BANG, Spark Spark Spark … for about a good 30 seconds maybe more. Take That!

R.S. was a mess at this point, I thought she would collapse right there, just a look of shear shock and terror in her face. By the way, someday there will be a post dedicated ENTIRELY to the character that is R.S.

I think her main concern (and everyone else’s) was that M.D., a co-worker, was already in his car in the Parking lot, getting ready to back out. So, he had front row seats to the show … as a matter of fact, he was starring in the modasucka’. Can you imagine that? You’re just getting ready to leave, end your day; you’re looking forward to your evening and BANG! Some shit starts sparking everywhere. M.D. was unharmed; he got out the car, pointed and laughed at us fools watching out the window. (To M.D.’s credit, he waited til’ the fireworks show was over before getting out of his car …)

What just happened? Apparently some fuse reactor (?) is that even a component? Tripped up, and got a little too much lovin’... Fuse Reactor? I’ve never heard such a term … But I’ll fox with it. I suppose it’s a fuse box, but the really big ones that sit outside and power up the whole neighborhood? Or maybe it’s one of the Poles? What is the legal/ scientific name for those things? An Electricity Pole … sounds way too lame.

Looking back, I wonder why we just stood there to watch this, as opposed to reacting somehow … calling someone, getting the fuck out of the building. I think it’s this weird human fascination in us all of watching total utter destruction and chaos happen right before our eyes… Well … as long as we’re SAFE from it … and nothing makes me feel safer than a thin-ass quarter-inch piece of glass.

I guess it made my day somewhat interesting … I went through the whole day thinking it was “Ash Wednesday” … Because I know it’s good Friday coming up, so “Good Wednesday” would be too repetitive, and I figured the Wednesday before Easter must have a special name. Nope … no sir, just another boring hump day. No fun names here, gotta wait til’ Friday.

Is today Black Thursday? When is that? And I was also under the impression that ‘BLACK’ was a Monday. What gives? Are we running out of colors? Chartreuse? Burnt Sienna? Aquamarine Blue? And of course, every designer’s favorite PM-123 Spanish Orange (It works nice for Grips, Handles, treads and shit like that).


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