Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Business or Pleasure

Just about every blog has had a post on this topic, and I’m not one to go against the majority (because I really am a sheep). The topic that ALL blogs have or will soon discuss is of course hit counters/ site tracking. It’s become somewhat of a right of passage to let the world in on your (equally entertaining) site tracker info.

First, the site tracker’s basic job is to count visits and page views on your blog (so yes, for all the COMPULSIVE people who hit ‘refresh’ a bunch of times, I see it all). Depending on the site tracking service you opt (bullshit!) to implement (bullshit!), there are extra features that I find more valuable.

For example, my site tracker allows me to view what pages referred any given visitor to my blog. This is particularly handy as sometimes people will link to you, and not let you know. It gives me a way to at the very least check out their respective blogs as well.

Another thing that I enjoy about the site tracker is the web search referrals. Ah, this is where the ULTIMATE weirdoes turn up. You basically get to see what people searched for on which search engine that eventually led them to your blog. Here are some of my favorites:

“Modasucka: welcome to America” (on google) Geez, thanks to you too modasucka.

“Home remedies for relieving inflamed pimples” (on google) – God help this person who probably had a bothersome issue, and instead of finding answers, was sent here.

“Black Women Tittie Milk” (on My Search) Ok, so this one wins the award for oddest!!!

“Recommendations for the president’s sona” (on google) Hmm, given the renewal of the big P to the A … I’m pretty sure I haven’t mentioned the “P” word on here – I was only quoting when I mentioned it just now.

“To kill wasps 1 can tuna Clorox etc” (on MSN) Damn right, I bet that would work … the TUNA to lure them and Clorox to cream them.

“Apple sand Oranges Verizon Mail” (on MSN) Not apples AND oranges, but apple SAND oranges.

The rest are somewhat obscene, which perhaps is a wake up call that I should clean up my act a little bit and become more responsible. There seems to be a lot of children on the Internet these days and maybe I should do my part in preserving the good morals of the future of the United States of America.

Most times, the site tracker will give me information on the server the accessing computer is jonesin’ at. So I will see quite a bit of corporate domain names on there (I saw as one of the domain names … I hope they read ‘Strange Fruit’ and ‘Planned Obsolescence: A pain in the ass’).

Seeing domain names is slightly entertaining. Entertainment is entertainment, site tracking is entertainment, it’s all entertainment and good fun but there come certain times when some things I see REALLY make me think, and down right worry. Everyone knows I’m paranoid and there are some things that I could do without seeing. With that said, I have a special message to send to a special someone (a ‘silent’ regular, if you will – also, note how nice I’m being to you):

I can see your domain name, it’s not comforting and as a matter of fact it’s straight up – Now, it would be real nice to know the answer to one simple question:

Business or Pleasure?

I regrettably sort of already know the answer, as this was also a ‘google’ referral and evidently said person knows how to spell my name (good job!)

How can I help ya? (Make that it would be real nice to know the answers to TWO simple questions).

Note: To foil them Black Helicopters, I should probably be taking a different route to work today. I hear that's good for you anyways. Today: Steel


Blogger The Hard-working Slacker said...

Woohoo first comment...again (ahh bring back any memorie's nafie?). Yeah we all go site trackers unfortunately mine keeps tracking my obsessive 'refreshing' during the day which is very gay!

Yeah I figured it was only a matter of time till you got random people visiting you (your blog I mean and not you personally...although what you do in your personal life is your business LOL!)

I'm keeping it clean for the 'children', have you noticed? Oh thanks for the comments on 'quality' you put on my blog you got me blushing now. Hope you liked the Ninja song, I listen to it from time to time to brighten my day up, lets hope it worked for Mybrid too seeing as she's so blue lately!

8:13 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The government is staking you out, eh. It was only a matter of time really. Keep an ear out for those black helicopters.

12:09 PM  
Blogger PaintingChef said...

It is always interesting to see what people are searching for when they come across your site, isn't it?

And to emran hussain - There are some site meters where you can enter your own IP address and it will not be counted in your stats.

1:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


2:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


2:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pleasure. ;-)

4:26 PM  
Blogger Mybrid said...

Dear Condi, Bush and vacuum cleaner; so how come you never visit MY site? Doesn't it look even more suspicious when an Israeli seems rather friendly with an Arab?

הוא חף מפשע, חבל"ז. (חבל לכם על הזמן)

4:32 PM  
Blogger aNON said...


yeah, you can exclude your own IP from the counts, but as for 'refreshing' (I assume you do that to catch comments?) you can have comments automatically emailed to you.

As for keeping it clean, I guess I admire that in some ways. Unfortunately I'd never be able to keep it up - I've programmed some keyboard shortcuts for certain words. CTRL+F is very important.

You'd still owe me a visit at G-Mo (and I'll be expecting that Rum and Weed in a make believe bible).

Have you found an outfit yet? If Nun costumes are hard to find, we can improvise and do other things like a 'french maid'.


Hook it up.

P chef,

Have you written your 'TRACKING' post yet?

Hey hot stuff, Working from home today? Didn't know you lived in Cali.

Hey hot stuff, Working from home today? Didn't know you moved to Michigan.

JE Hoover,
Word on the grapevine is that you were a BAD ASS when it came to 'your thing' ... but word also has it that you were quite the freak. Women's clothing and shit?

Please consult with southerngirl ... she could use your help when she comes to visit me :)

4:45 PM  
Blogger aNON said...

JESUS CHRIST!!!!! What did you just type Mybrid?!?!

I could do without the Mossad getting involved. Anyone got a couch I can crash at (for the rest of my life)?

4:48 PM  
Blogger Mybrid said...

CS, you're welcome to crash on our couch in the basement (ummm..that's the one sacrificed by our dog to the gods of thunder).

As for what I typed - I used contemporary Israeli slang to assure whoever doubts that I'm Israeli that I am indeed an honest to god native.

The Arabs don't consider you Arabs, the Egyptians don't consider themselves Arabs, you're not any darker than the beduin in Israel, and I've seen darker Jews than you! Quit confusing the issue!

Can we just settle on the Jew befriending the Muslim then? Which is just as odd if you think about it.

6:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


I'm so glad to see that Condie, George, and Hoover had the balls to step up to the plate and admit that they are as hooked on your blog as I am.

7:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't worry. I'll be there to break you out of Gizmo. And it looks like I may need to move up my timeline a bit.

Ok, I'm finding the nun's outfit a bit hard to locate, although I haven't checked with "The Vaccum" yet. But the french maid's outfit is not a bad idea. Think of all the files I can hide in my bustiere.

8:06 PM  
Blogger aNON said...

Yes, we can all be a model for the greater good of humanity and get along ... or something like that.
Where the Christians at? Any Buddhists? Hindus? Scientologists?I'll accept anything.


Think of all the files I can hide in my bustiere

Exactly how much are we talking here?


9:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Can't we all just get along?" as that great American Rodney King pled.

Oh, and don't forget the Kabbalists. (must stay trendy)

11:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Files in the _ribbing_ of yea bustiere. {rolling eyes}

11:36 PM  
Blogger funny bunny said...

umm!! *dazzzzzzzzzed*

And you say you're 22


3:01 AM  
Blogger PaintingChef said...

I haven't written an entire post about it, just a search or two when they struck my funny bone.

9:29 AM  
Blogger aNON said...


(sorry, I meant to respond much earlier)

I love your name. I'm also dazzzzzzzzzed and yes, 22. Thanks for stopping by.

P chef,
Yeah, it's pure entertainment. One person searched for a FlavorSplash Rip-off recipe, and came here. haha

6:35 PM  

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