Monday, August 08, 2005

Kiddie Balls

It’s Monday again and Mondays (and Thursdays) mean it’s okay to take a stab at Michael Jackson. I kid (OK, maybe just one last stab), I don’t really have much to say on the man.

The weekend was rather uneventful, that’s now become my typical response after any given weekend. It doesn’t really matter what happened, the mere fact that the weekend is over … makes it uneventful. It could turn out to be the most fun and enjoyable weekend but it’ll still get a big fat ‘UNEVENTFUL’ stamp come Monday morning. Of course, there’ll have to be a distinction between ‘uneventful’ and the really bad weekends. I’ll have to think of a reference for the “bad” weekends.

Uneventful weekends make me do stupid things. You know, when everything else goes, so does your common sense. I bought another $200.00 tennis racquet. I know, how insidious of those damn sports equipment companies to take advantage of my fable willpower. FUCKING BASTARDS. (I also bought a T.O. NFL jersey ... Football season is coming up and people around here don't like T.O. too much).

The good news is that my carrying bag is now at ‘full’ capacity (4) …which means that I won’t buy any more racquets (because there’s no where to put them), unless you would want to count ‘replacing’ racquets as a technical exception to this new rule. Again, I’m no psychologist but I think the fact that there was always a free slot in the bag, weighed heavily on my mind. Who needs to restring when you’re stupid enough to buy a new racquet everyday?

I of course had to test my new racquet out, so Sunday afternoon was a good day to do so. I don’t want to jinx anything, but I love it. I was on my way to doing the nasty double bagel when “previous commitments’ interrupted the second set with me leading 2-0.

The main courts we play at had a fundraising event for sickle cell anemia. The courts we found were so much better, and they’re on top of a hill, which makes it cooler and a little breezy. The downside was that someone bought “kiddie balls” instead of buying normal balls. They’re not really for kids, they’re practice balls … oversize, really heavy, really bright balls. They suck.

Special Edition: Guest Posts

The main aim of today’s post is a solicitation.

Since I’ve had a relatively uneventful weekend, it’s time to change things up a little bit. Being someone who MUST be kept on his toes at all times (otherwise, I’d bore … and divorce or something), I can appreciate change. I’m soliciting “guest posts” all this week. PLEASE help me out. I’ll even go ahead and inflate your egos; I’ll call this “all star week.” Logistically, it’s pretty simple, since I post in the mornings, I’d just need to receive the post by the morning, 7 a.m. EST. Any takers?

Topics are of course completely up to the writer. Anything interesting, culutrally shocking or just anything that can't go untold. Length is also negotiable, but I can only suggest to whoever wishes to write, something that can be read in about 5 minutes or so (remember, MINIMIZE it).

Otherwise, depending on the (lack of) response, this might have to change to "short post week".

Note: I mentioned before that I didn’t have a DVD player (other than on my computer). I was ‘alerted’ about a THUNDERCATS DVD coming out with the entire first season's episodes. I can’t even begin to tell you how tempting this is, I can order it, and order a DVD player … they’ll BOTH get here on the same day. Jam of the moment: Gregory Isaacs - “Material Man.”


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You bought a $200 racquet? Define your version of "I'm broke" for me, OK?

And who the hell is T.O.? (I am not a football fan. Can you tell?)

Me! Me! I want to be an all-star!!!!

12:28 PM  
Blogger Mybrid said...

Reporting for duty in the all-star team.

2:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Check your e-mail. Directions needed.

2:19 PM  
Blogger Mybrid said...

CS, question for you - how many words is 5 minutes?

Sign me,
Slow at reading English, faster in Hebrew.

3:15 PM  
Blogger aNON said...

T.O. is Terrell Owens.

Email Checked. Directions sent.

You're both on for your posts. Just email them. I usually write between 600 - 800 words, but no real length restriction.

Cussing mandatory.

Title Optional (I can make up titles or you can send me one).

4:33 PM  
Blogger aNON said...

Oh and SG,

remember, "broke" is a state of mind not a condition.

4:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


I didn't get your e-mail. : (

And I always thought "broke" was a state of pocketbook.

5:25 PM  
Blogger aNON said...


Nah, broke has nothing to do with the pocketbook.

7:27 PM  
Blogger funny bunny said...

MJ....grew up listining to 'who's bad' and some song that goes 'anne are you ok are you ok are you ok???.......' damn! he makes me sad now..but huge respect for the man! no further comments...
$200 for a tennis racquet! damn!
that quite a huge amount of dough
When i'm out i end up burning my dough on much more stupid things....ur not alone!

2:18 AM  
Blogger The Zombieslayer said...

How about instead of a guest post from me, a request? Post your top three hot babes of all time. Pics optional. No, I take that back. Pics mandatory. They don't have to be nudie or anything, just make 'em hot.

4:25 AM  
Blogger aNON said...


did you get a job at the farm?!!?

ANA are you ok? are you ok? are you ok? Ana ... haha I like it. I also like "Who Is It."


You're on.

7:38 AM  

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